Introducing the man, the legend.
Oh, and Webb Wilder was there too.
Webb and Tom Comet getting the evening going, leading everyone in a sing-a-long version of the Legion preamble. All together now!
Tom's a very cool guy, though Webb had him beat in the hat department.
Consider that rug cut.
Steve Pijut desperately attempting to think of a way to claim he wasn't enjoying Webb Wilder.
The all-Horton amateur dance hour.
Webb tells amusing anecdote 37-b, "The Wisconsin Variation."
Webb being Webb. (That's a hell of a lot better than Manny being Manny.)
Lindsey being cute as the dickens.
I have it on the best of authority that these two men had been drinking Newcastle all evening.
Worlds collide; Webb mingles with the Humbugs.
Webb was a great guy. I, on the other hand, was every bit as looped as I look here. Oh well.
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