Thursday, April 29, 2010


Damn it all if Heraclitus wasn't right. All is flux.

Rest assured the date hasn't changed again, but the entertainment has. Splitsville has cancelled on me. (Excuse me while I scream again. AUGH! There. Not better.)

My frustration right now knows no bounds.

Anyway...I think my ambitions are going to be thwarted. That doesn't mean we won't have a great time, it just means things are going to be quieter than I had originally planned.

The new plan will be getting Webb Wilder to play this little shindig. Now, under normal circumstance this would be NOTHING but all kinds of awesome, however, the trouble is I can only afford to bring him up for an acoustic duo show. Now I'm sure it will be great...I just had visions of a band playing the night away.

I'm gonna have to focus on the glass half full part. I'm just not all that good at it sometimes.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Invites Going Out!

They had been delayed, as I needed to finalize the bill of the bands before anything could be put to paper, but the invites are now printed! First batch hits the USPS on Monday! (They will go out in dribs and drabbles as they are kinda difficult to put together - so be patient out there! You will not be forgotten.)

Monday, April 5, 2010


Invites will begin to go out this week. It will take a couple of weeks for them to make it into the post as they are slightly more involved than your usual invititations.